コーギー専門カフェ「コーギーインザガーデン Corgi in the Garden」がBTSシーロム線Wutthakat駅から車で5分ほどのところにオープンしました。
こ、ここが天国か……! コーギーによるコーギー好きのための「コーギー専門カフェ」がバンコクで話題に
Corgi in the Garden คาเฟ่หมาคอร์กี้
🐶13 Corgis/ about 50 People/ Session
Open hours
•Tuesday - Friday 12.30 - 18.00
•Saturday - Sunday 10.30 - 18:00
🚫Close on MondayYou can enjoy 1 hour playtime/session with the corgis.
Session1: 10.30 (Only Saturday and Sunday)
Session2: 12.30
Session3: 14.30
Sesdion4: 16.30❗We provide first come first serve service. No reservation.
🏷Please come and buy the ticket at the cafe. Tue-Fri, we start selling ticket at 12.00 pm and for Sat-Sun, at 10.00 am.
If the tickets are sold out, we will update on the FB page asap, or you can also call to check the tickets availability.💰Entrance fee
•250 baht per person, get 1 drink.
•350 baht per person, get 1 drink and 1 cake or icecream.
•Free for child under 90cm. height.https://www.facebook.com/corgiinthegarden/